In looking for some news last night around 10:20pm, I accidentally caught the Larry King show. I had not seen this post, but caught the words Acoustic Neuroma while flipping past the station. I found it very interesting but could not stay awake to watch the whole thing. I was just awaken (2am)with my dog running in after getting sprayed by a skunk...WEW!!!! Got that settled down, now can't get back to sleep, the house smells bad. Flipped on the TV and there was the got to see the end I missed last night. I am a bit skeptical as I know these tumors grow slow and some of ours were probably there long before cell phones. But I do think it is something to take into consideration. With all the new tech, we should be paying closer attention. My AN was on the opposite side I hold the phone to, and I don't use my cell nearly as much as most. The show got me wondering about microwaves. I always stand next to the micro waiting for it to heat, usually with my AN side to it. hmmmmmmm,, but then, they have not been around that long either. I also have some pretty heafty power lines running behind my house, I've been here 10 yrs. Lots of contreversy about that too. In any event, I feel we need to be more aware of harm these things may could caous even if they have not been proven, for our kids sake. After all, they are living on their cells when they don't have the ipod plugged into their ears.
Jim Scott, FYI, I agree, Larry is past his prime as an interviewere, but this one was worth the watch. He did little speaking, the four docs he had on were very good. it was a good debate. Just a scare tactic?
maybe. Good way to re generate use of the land line I suppose. Next it will be the computer monitor and we'll have to go back to writing real letters and re generate use of the postage stamp. Who knows, but def something to think about. A little causion never hurt anyone.
And if nothing else, it brought awareness to Acoustic Neuroma, showed a diagram of the inner ear and MRI of one of the little buggars.
Patti UT