I didn't see the Larry King show but I've looked at the literature on this subject (studies) and I haven't seen any hard, scientific evidence to support the cell phone/brain tumor link that some believe exists. However, I'm open to accepting real proof of that connection, if it can be scientifically proven. I doubt that it will be. Acoustic Neuromas were discovered over 100 years ago (during autopsies), long before cell phones were invented. I think the error some folks make is to assume that because the AN grows on the sheath of the hearing nerve, the cause of the AN must - somehow - be hearing related. I think that assumption is wrong. Also, the fact that a cell phone is held next to the ear/head, doesn't prove that the radio waves it uses are somehow entering our brains and causing tumors. That is a bit of a stretch, to be polite about it. This theory looks like a conclusion seeking to be proven and cell phones are a handy culprit as they are ubiquitous. Unfortunately, even now, in 2008, some folks still think low-frequency radio waves and a 3-watt receiver are just like radiation and inherently harm the body. I do not accept that premise.
I'm not a scientist or a doctor and of course, this is simply my opinion. I could be wrong and I realize others differ. So be it. To paraphrase John Maynard Keynes:
"When the facts change, I change my opinion". (Keynes bitingly added:
"what do you do, Sir?).