I',crossing everything that can be crossed - fingers, toes, shoelaces -- as I told Debbi, I never could cross my eyes, and hoping you get your June 30 date. It must be frustrating and infuriating to be given the run around about such an emothionally charged issue. If these secretaries have a problem with each other, the paitents should not be caught in the crossfire. And unless you're a horrible, nasty demanding patient, which I really can't picture you as, so let's just dismiss that thought, why on earth would they have an issue with you? Even if you were, which again I' m 100% ysure your're not, they are supposed to be professionals and treat patients with respect and compassion. I think for some reason, the right hand didn't know what the left hand was doing. Maybe the move played a part in things. Whatever the problem was, I hope it's straightened out and you get your date. Good luck and lert me know what's going on.
Best wishes,