Another update on Tammy's surgery. The analysis on the tumor came back and its an Adipose Neuroma not your "usual" acoustic neuroma although I can't say that there is anything usual about an acoustic neuroma

. The adipose neuroma is very rare and made up from fat cells from what they tell me. Tammy said that this is just her luck to get an oddball tumor of an oddball tumor. The good news is that they have never been known to come back once removed. The bad news is that the tumor was "sticky"

. Usually the surgeon just sort of peals the tumor of to what it touches. Tammy's surgeon had to cut it off everything it touches.
Tammy's progress since the surgery has been mixed. She had great facial movement coming out of surgery which diminished the next few days due to the facial nerve seeking vengence for having its crib messed with. Yesterday she needed to get her eye taped shut because it wouldn't fully close. This of course is bumming her out. This morning and early afternoon was a low point. She was very nauseous and her shoulder/back was hurting her. I think it was due to having her head turned for 7 hours during the surgery that it just didn't sit right. Tonight she was much improved. They gave her a shot for the nausea (I will take a scotch, thankyou!) because she couldn't keep the pills down. The pain in her back subsided and she thinks that she will forgo the pain meds.
Basically she is just impatient and she thought she would be much further along now even though her doctor told her than the facial nerve would get worse before it got better and she only had surgery 3 days ago for cry, eye, eye.
Just trying to keep her spirits up and hoping of the best.
I will let you know more when I know more
(Tammy's husband - who has to keep making sure to post this or she will torture me)