Thanks, all, for the thoughts and wishes. Yep, I'm getting my bag packed - though I have to say it's much more fun packing for vacation. Oh well. I have my preop appt this morning in half an hour, so after that, I'll be good to go. Mostly, I'm good with it, but sometimes the 2 am demons attack, and I think to myself, "I'm doing WHAT??"
My husband Don will probably be posting Thursday evening. Here's a secret: my name is truly Tamara, and I used it because there was a "Tammy" posting when I joined, but a lot of people call me Tammy or Tam. So if you see a posting with those names, it really is me.
FIL is doing better. My brother-in-law and his family are able to help out more now that they're back from vacation, so that helps. My son is doing really well, and is back to being quite useful, as his right arm just had the small fracture, and now he has some use of it, even though it will remain casted through the end of the month. YAY.
I'll probably post later,
Tamara, or Tammy or Tam