Thanks, Lacey.
I have come a long way and, if it's not too egotistical of me, I'm happy to say that I'm proud of myself too.
I attended college in Notre Dame, IN - not too far from the Dunes - and I always meant to take a road trip there one weekend but never got around to it. I also missed all the road trips to the Kentucky Derby and the Indianapolis 500, so these places are still on my "meaning to" list. The dunes are really cool

and I encourage anyone in the area to go there; it's well worth it.
I'm hopeful that tomorrow's BAHA proves to be as amazing as I thought the demo was. Come to think of it, if it's half as amazing, I'll be thrilled. I absolutely loved the demo

23 days and counting, huh? It will be here before you know it. The best advice I can give you is to not second guess your decision and to focus on the confidence you have in your doctor(s). You have the easy part during the surgery - you'll be asleep - but you will have some work to do post op on the road to recovery. Remember that the road is not insurmountable and you shouldn't stress about "what ifs" when it comes to side effects. Just take things as they come. Half of the time we worry about things that never happen.
Keep that sense of humor,