Sorry, Jan, I have hijacked your thread!! 
No apology necessary, K. I hijack threads all the time - as Phyl can tell you

16 -
since K explained the pic-a-wienie, let me say that the two-headed dog is going to save Lori from riding through the streets of her town naked on a horse. Just search on "Lady Godiva". Somedays we are just too silly for words

Lori -
I can just see you on strike. And you say I'm tough

Sounds like you are a pretty tough cookie yourself

And how do you cope with a 16 & 20 year old - YIKES!!! - they aren't much older than you are

I though you just had "little guys". "Put it away or E-Bay" is very catchy. Perhaps instead of creating gift packs and BAHA accessories, we should have you printing signs for aggravated mothers everywhere

or, since we are all in agreement about needing a cleaning intervention we could go with that idea.
Wendy -
except for the husband part, you could be the mom in my house. My kids also think I should do everything and I am also tired of it. Yesterday my daughter informed me that I "NEVER" do anything for her. Funny coming from a girl who doesn't even clean her own room on a regular basis. Can you say "spoiled rotten"