Question for those of you who have had annual MRIs since your AN treatment and for those of you who are currenting watching & waiting.
Is it customary for the doctor who orders your followup MRIs to go over the results with you even if there is no problem with the results? By this, I mean, do you actually get to sit down at an appointment and go over the results, have the medical terms translated, review the films, etc., with him?
I'm asking this because I'm in kind of a dilemma.
I had my first annual MRI back in mid-April and at the time the doc ordered it he said we'd go over the results at my next appointment. Well, my next appointment was today (obviously about 6 weeks later) so not wanting to wait that long to make sure everything was okay, I sent my doc an email asking him to please let me know via email that everything was status quo. I figured this was fast and easy for him and fast and easy for me too. I also mentioned that I would like to go over the results "formally" at my appointment today.
My doc subsequently emailed me and said the results were great.
About a week ago I emailed my doc again and reminded him of my BAHA appointment and said I'd like to review the films with him. He said okay; bring the CD. When I got there today, the CD wouldn't work on the laptop computer he had, so he went to use another computer in his office while I went to work with the audiologist.
While I was with the audiologist, the doc stuck his head in the room and said "everything's perfect", handed me the CD and said "don't forget you need another MRI in a year". This wasn't really my idea of sitting down and reviewing the results, but in all fairness I didn't protest or ask him to spend time showing me the films.
Shortly after I left his office, I was kicking myself for not speaking up and telling him what I wanted, but I also wondered if my expectations were unrealistic. I thought that maybe I was being childish or too demanding.
On one hand, I trust him implicitly and know he's not lying to me about the results. On the other hand, I have a need to have the surgical site pointed out to me so that I can see with my own eyes that the AN is gone (note - the CD contains tons of images of my head and I'm not even sure which pictures are relevant). I thought I had communicated this need very clearly in my email.
In his defense, he did have another patient - with her spouse - there at the same time I was and I know he was running behind schedule. She was definitely a new patient and for all I know she was an AN patient and I know from experience that he spends lots of time with newbies. I also generally find my doctor to be a great doctor and despite today's lack of attentiveness I still do.
I guess my question is, do I schedule another appointment so we can really review the results? or do I just let it go, despite the fact that it's obviously bothering me? I won't have another MRI for about 10 months.
Input, please.