Author Topic: Some things happen for a reason .......  (Read 1970 times)


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Some things happen for a reason .......
« on: June 09, 2008, 10:53:52 am »
Hi everyone - I have been AWOL for awhile and I apologize - but I have been busy with all the school commitments I had - parent council, yearbook, year-end celebration (this Wed.) and the Teacher Appreciation event.  We are also away most weekends now enjoying our summer home on Lake Huron (which I refuse to take the laptop to :)

Anyway - as initially reported I was supposed to get surgery this May or June - and have still heard nothing!  There is a Surgeon returning the LHSC this June though (I think he was a part of 4 cm's team) so that may be worth thte wait.

Things do happen for a reason though ...... my husband Dan is a carpenter - and for the past two years has been suffering numbness, pain, and most recently 'Raynauds Phenomenon'.  He was sent for a nerve conduction test and he requires surgery - he has severe carpel tunnel in both his forearms and if he does not do this 'sooner than later' he is risking permanent nerve damage - - so he is having his first surgery on the 3rd of July and the 2nd surgery 2-3 weeks after that .... so right now the timing is good that I have not been scheduled - I can take care of him first and then he can tend to me (hopefully sometime this fall).

I am anxious to get it out but not that ANXIOUS!  I am feeling pretty good and sometimes I even forget about it - although my hearing has dulled even more and the headaches are daily - but I did find an over the counter tylenol product that works .......

I do think of everyone often and I will try to get on here more now that things are slowing down a wee bit.
- Oct. 16/08 - 12 hour 'blob-ectomy' at LHSC in London, ON - Dr. Lownie and Parnes
- Some internal facial numbness (cheek, tongue, eye), SSD, headaches (getting better), dry eye, some balance issues..... but othwise AWESOME!


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Re: Some things happen for a reason .......
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2008, 11:58:41 am »
Denise -

you have been AWOL for awhile and we missed you  :)

I can't believe you are still waiting for a surgery date, but it sounds like as you say, it's a good thing.

Thankfully you are feeling well enough to wait until the fall.

Thanks for checking in and best of luck to your husband.

Retrosig 5/31/07 Drs. Battista & Kazan (Hinsdale, Illinois)
Left AN 3.0 cm (1.5 cm @ diagnosis 6 wks prior) SSD. BAHA implant 3/4/08 (Dr. Battista) Divino 6/4/08  BP100 4/2010 BAHA 5 8/2015

I don't actually "make" trouble..just kind of attract it, fine tune it, and apply it in new and exciting ways


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Re: Some things happen for a reason .......
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2008, 12:12:05 pm »
When we last PMed, I wanted to ask you about a date, but I figured you would've said it you had gotten one -- I didn't want to be too inquisitive like you said everyone else was!! ;)  I really did care though...I'm sorry that your hubby is having to have surgery but now maybe he will be up to 100% and can take better care of you!!

Translab 12/95@Houston Methodist(Baylor College of Medicine)for "HUGE" tumor-no size specified
25 yrs then-14 hour surgery-stroke
12/7 Graft 1/97
Gold Weight x 5
Facial Paralysis-R(no movement or feelings in face,mouth,eye)
Great life!

Jim Scott

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Re: Some things happen for a reason .......
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2008, 03:01:35 pm »

I, too, believe that things happen for a reason - because I've seen the evidence in my own life, which I won't bore you with here.  I 'm afraid that many people simply miss the reason why things doesn't seem to work out the way they assume would be 'best' and miss the bigger picture, as it were.  In your case, the reason appears to be fairly obvious. 

I'm sorry your husband requires surgery for carpel tunnel but the timing does seem to be working out for you.  I 'm sure Dan will be fine.  My wife had similar surgery over ten years ago and except for the faint scar on her forearm, was relieved of the pain and had no post-op issues. 

I trust that you'll be able to have your AN surgery by autumn, as you plan.  Because no one ever contacted you, which I consider rude, you may have to become a bit more pro-active about scheduling your surgery. While it's perfectly normal to want to procrastinate where brain surgery is involved, you know that isn't wise - or practical.  Increased hearing loss (and headaches) indicate the AN is (probably) growing.  Not good.  Don't procrastinate too long, Denise, it isn't worth it.

However, for now, continue to enjoy the summer and know that we're here for you.  Meanwhile, take care of Dan and yourself and...'don't be a stranger':)

4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.


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Re: Some things happen for a reason .......
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2008, 11:57:49 pm »
Denise -
I also believe things happen for a reason and in their own time. I wish you and your husband both good luck and that his surgery relieves his problem.  I didn't know there was an operation that could alleviate Raynauds Phenomenom.  I have Raynauds Syndrom, which may be slightly different.  Are his hands and feet sensitive to temperature or is it strictly a circulatory problem?  If you'd rather PM me please do.

1.3 cm at time of diagnosis -  April 9, 2008
2 cm at time of surgery
SSD right side translabyrinthine July 25, 2008
Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York, NY
Extremely grateful for the wonderful Dr. Choe & Dr. Chen
BAHA surgery 1/5/09
Doing great!


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Re: Some things happen for a reason .......
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2008, 08:59:02 am »
Thanks everyone .......  it is unfortunate that things seem to work a bit different here in Canada than in the US - but our populous is much smaller - hence, fewer facilities and experts ..... and since I was told that they need to basically coordinate 2 surgeons and an army of nurses + one OR for and entire day - this in itself is not an easy feat. 

Don't fret - I don't mind 'waiting' - I am not THAT anxious to have my head opened up!  The team that I do have is very, very strong and I have had the pre-admittance stuff done ....... I was even told - that the coordinator could call at any time and that I should be ready to go .......  it's like I have been telling people ....... thank goodness I have a BENIGN tumor - and of course, I would expect that someone with a more troubling diagnosis get dealt with before me ....... so, I will just 'try' to stand and patiently wait my turn .........

I am not fretting about the hearing loss - it is already pretty much useless in the left and has been since the initial sudden hearing loss - it has never come back.  The headaches are bad - but the tylenol and weekly hour long massage helps with those - AWWWWWW!  The hospital is also in contact with me - - I guess I gave the impression that I have not heard from them at all - I'm sorry .... If I do have questions or concerns they respond - ........ just not with a surgery date yet .........

Wendy ........ Dan's Raynauds has been brought on by the carpel tunnel ...... the Raynauds started this past winter and he has two fingers on each hand that turn completely ghost white - it looks horrible.  He also cannot tolerate the cold - which is huge for him since he is a carpenter and works outside quite a lot.  The Raynauds will not be corrected by the surgery - but by fixing the carpel tunnel it will hopefully alleviate some of the Raynauds symptoms.
- Oct. 16/08 - 12 hour 'blob-ectomy' at LHSC in London, ON - Dr. Lownie and Parnes
- Some internal facial numbness (cheek, tongue, eye), SSD, headaches (getting better), dry eye, some balance issues..... but othwise AWESOME!