Thanks to Eve's excellent suggestion, I am moving this over to it's own topid (thanks to Wendy for letting us hi-jack her thread for so long...)
Seems that Mid-July is a possibility for a lunch of ANers in NYC. Jan will be in NYC on the 15 and 16, and Wendy should be back from Florida then. Lori will be at the NJ Shore, which may be train-able and Eve says she's in, Transear and all.
So, Jan and Wendy, can you pin down a date?
Once a date is set, who else wants to join in the fun? We need someone to volunteer for the seating chart
With all us SSD folk, that should be challenging! I've volunteered to find a location, accessable to Penn Station for those who are training in on NJ Transit or AmTrack (also not too far from Grand Central, for those training in from CT or upstate NY). Suggestions welcome...
So, who's in???