I didn't mean to sound ungrateful because for the most part I have found wonderful support from those who have posted on this forum--especially those of you who pretty much respond to all of my posts. However, it is scary to read posts from people who have had bad experiences and sometimes failures from their treatments. Maybe I feel guilty because mine is so small, and yes, I probably will have success if it is treated while it is small., And I will most likely have a successful outcome. However, I don't seem to run across as many stories from those who have the small ANs, and when I see the stories from people with the bigger ANs I'm not so sure how to relate that to my own situation so I sort of feel left out since I am in a bit of a different category. Yesterday was a bad day, and I am on more of a positive note today. A friend whom I care about very much made a statement that threw me over the edge before I wrote this post yesterday. She is not informed about what ANs are, and I should have taken that into consideration before posting here and maybe taking it out on all of you. She said, "Nancy, it could be worse. It is small and not benign and you are not going to die." She has also seen the CK commercials on TV that make treatment look like a miracle cure. Like you walk in, have it zapped, and then your are on your way. I know it could be worse because so many of you have been through heck, and you are hanging in there nevertheless with such a good outlook on life. I don't have your experience for the most part only because I have been watching and waiting with the hope that I would never have to make a decision. My AN was found by accident. Now that things are getting a little more bothersome, I just find myself to be a mess, depressed and all of that (Biplar disorder on top sometimes gets in the way also). The panel of doctors discussing my case meet tomorrow, and I hope I hear from them tomorrow. The person I talked to in the doctor's office said it could be tomorrow or sometime next week. I feel crazy right now just from the waiting. I read one of Steve's posts from a long time back about these boards sometimes attracting people who share their negative outscmes, and I have read some of those and felt depressed and scarred out of my mind after reading them. Those of you who post often like Jan, Jim, Phyl, and so many others whose names I can't remember are alway so nice and supportive. It's the negative stories and those who seem to downplay us "little ANs" that make it so confusing. I know many have been where I am today, and I appreciate your support. If I didn't find this forum helpful, I wouldn't still be posting. I'm not out for a pitty party or anything like that. I am just trying to deal. Thanks everyone for your support. Nancy