Just finally have access here and a second. Has been keeping me up at night thinking of all the things i need to say.
i am working with one eye covered here as i still have double vision. balance is ok though. no real pain to speak of and no headaches (so far). do have paralysis but supposed to be temp so at 10days post surgery am hopeful, patiett. i was prepared for many of my issues thnaks to those who share before me, so i am just fine.
my hubbue and mom have been so supportive, busy, tirerless care and love and acceptance. i think last monday surgery day waa hardest for him as 6hrs ended up being 11. he stayed in the ICU chair all night. i remember being so thirsty, vomitting (nothing) constantly. i was 1 night in ICU, then 1 night in shared room (interesting!) and the rest in private (nice). mom stayed 2 nights with me (on the floor with pad from stretcher - the nurses loved that), and fabian stayed another night with me in chair. i thought i was less capable than i was until i got home and started moving around without walker (now in the corner). I think i have become one of "debbi's people" (SSD) despite a bit of hope with RS surgery, but know that this will also be ok in more time. 5 months ago i would not have imagined myself like this (i was NOT going to have surgery), now here i am, a bit beaten but OK. feeling grateful and resilent. I really appreciated the thoughts echoed before surgery that i would not find the world AFTER so different because you can't take away what's inside. I may not look like myself, but I'm still me and as long as Cali is OK, I will be. Funny that.
i got my hair done the day out of hospital which did wonders. i warned the guy about 'the zipper'.
so i see my doc on friday for staple removal. opthamologist next friday. eye drops are my friend.
so good to be home. having capaccino. hospital stay was 7 noghts, but the last 2 were probably just a waste of time. i think i got a litle stuck there cuz it was the weekend. i got sprung on monday afternoon, and am feeling the walls, relaxing.
i guess my brain will take some time to work out what my eyes see. feeling drunk. who needs wine! (later).
anyway, Fabian tried to keep up with all my demands and i will hopefully be around here a bit more in the coming days and weeks.
i have not been able to write all that is in my mind, heart, but was speaking to you all in spirit these days. i felt lots of love, prayers, wishes, thoughts during these past few weeks so please accept my deepest thanks. i have to help with cali's breaky but there will be lots more from me...stay tuned.
on the road, one day at a time, smiling on the inside.