Thanks all, and great graphics, Capt.

Actually this isn't like me at all. I'm generally opposed to tattoos - at least for me - but I wanted something special that had some personal significance.
I almost didn't go through with it - drove down the street a
long way before I went back and walked into the place LOL
I told my older sister about a year ago that I was going to get a tattoo of my surgery date and she thought it was silly. She wanted to know why I'd pick my surgery date when there are other significant dates in my life - the birth of my children, the date of my divorce, etc. It was hard to explain to her why I wanted my surgery date. I don't think she'll ever really understand.
I only got the date and nothing else - couldn't really think of a picture. I mean, what would I ask for? a brain

Besides, my doc already told me I have one of those

I thought about putting my BAHA date also, but couldn't decide between the surgery date and the processor date; plus I thought that 3 dates were just a bit too much.
Lori, my brother in Jersey has a huge Harley - which is kind of out of character for him (guess I'm not the only rebel in the family). Maybe he'll let us borrow it

Will post pictures later - plan to take them after the kids go to bed.
Oh, and for anyone interested in getting "inked" while attending the symposium, I'll be more than happy to chaperone you to the Jade Dragon. Maybe they'll give us a group discount
