Lorenzo/Lori -
Just plain Lori here. I had been treated for very high blood pressure for a few years prior to my AN being discovered. I also had an irregular heart rate. My resting blood pressure was usually about what yours is - 140/90, occasionally even higher. My resting heart rate was 110. Needless to say, exercising was a real challenge, because I was already out of breath before I started doing anything. I had EKG's, Echocardiograms, 24 hour Holter monitors, you name it - no one could figure out why I had these problems, so they just put me on meds to treat them.
When I had my MRI and found out there was a golf ball stuck in my brain stem, we started to wonder if that had anything to do with my problems. After they took the AN out and my brain stem returned to it's normal position, the blood pressure went back to normal, almost a little low and my heart has slowed down to a normal level. As I mentioned in another post, I still take the meds to regulate my heart rate because it's a low dose with no side effects and I'm afraid of going back to what it was before. Besides, my family has a history of wacky heart things anyway, so I don't know if that was an AN related thing or not.
So, I'm not sure a doctor would say the two are related, but I think they are. They also say they are not genetic (except NF2), but my Dad and I both had AN's so, I'm beginning to think the docs don't actually have all the answers yet.
Hope I didn't confuse you. I think I need a glass of wine - which, by the way, is good for your cholesterol levels too!