A little late to the discusion but.......
Things happen a little slower here in england, our health system has its problems but is one of the best in the world (or so I think, speaking from experiance) I like many of you had loss of hearing so saw my GP, thinking my ear just needed a good clean out, but you all know the story, nothing there, my ear was a clear as a bell, so on to the ENT department this was about 6 weeks later ( trust me thats quite fast really) this was june
ENT then sent me for.......yes you guessed it MRI this took about 8 weeks the appointment was end of august, I was told I should expect to see the results in about .....yep, 6 weeks, ok I thought nothing to bad then, so of I trot not really concerned, they mustn't have found anything.
1 week later i get a phone call, "Mrs Bennett did you know you had an appointment today with the ENT doctor" "no" I replied, "well you should have had a letter" the lady said "no I haven't had anything, do you know there is a postal strike at the moment" I replied, so the lady on the other end of the phone made a new appointment for 3 weeks time,now feeling slightly anxious if you get phone calls that quick something is usually wrong.
So I waited for the day to come, my appointment was at 11:30am so I went to work only to find that my memeber of staff who I really needed to be there was sick and couldn't come in work, another appointment canceled, by now I'm feeling a little worried, It was now the end of september.
I came home from work one day, within minutes of being home the phone rang, it was manchester royal hospital, they made me an appointment for 4 days time as it was very urgent that they speak with me, if I wanted any information in the meantime I was to contact my GP who had now been sent all the information , as you can imagine I phoned my GP immediately, I went to see her the next day.
She told me I had a growth, where abouts it was and that i would have to have surgery to remove it, she also told me it was quite a large one but she didn't know the exact size.
When I finally got my appointment with Proff Ramsden it was the 4th October 4 weeks later I was in surgery (now that was fast).
The rest i guess is history, I felt the doctors involved handled the situation very well and with excellent bed side manner, it was just the unfourtunate events leading upto getting that appointment, which was no-ones fault but fate's
Cheza XxX