Nicole -
Sorry to hear how you found out about your AN. The facility where you had your MRI done certainly could have handled things far better than they did and maybe the envelope should have been sealed or something. Your doctor really, really should not have had you pick up the films and report in my opinion. I too would have been curious and looked at the report and gotten the shock of my life. This is what happened to me. I'd been using over the counter ear drops beause I thought I had wax in my ear and gave myself an ear infection. My internist gave me prescription ear drops to clear it up and I overused them and gave myself a fungal infection. The doc gave me antibiotics to clear that up, but apparently suspected something and sent me to the ENT. He thought it was sensorineural hearing loss at first, but after an abnormal audiogram and ABR, sent me for an MRI. He didn't want to tell me what he suspected, so when I went home I looked up the possible reasons for the MRI he'd ordered on the internet. An AN was one of the possibilities. It just so happened I had an appointment with my internist a few days later, and he accidentally told me about the AN, thinking I already knew.. My ENT had me come back in to see him earlier than originally planned, but that was still a full week after he had gotten the films and report. I found this to be truly uncaring on his part, but he sent me to a wonderful neurotologist, so it all ended well. Some docs just don't get the fact that we, as patients need to know ASAP. I realize they have many patients and are busy, but a diagnosis like this, even though, in my case and many others was not life threatening should be handled quickly and with care, in my opinion.