My GK story is positive, at least 11 months afterwards so far. I have 1.6cm rightside AN. Before GK last July 07, I had some hearing loss in that ear (not sure what percentage it would be labelled - 10-20%), slight tinnitus, and some balance problems.
When I had first follow-up MRI in January (I'd put it off on purpose cuz it's a 6 hr rt drive to Seattle), I thought I'd had some further hearing loss, but results of hearing test were identical.
The MRI showed some swelling (hopefully temporary) and some beginnings of necrosis. At times I'd say my balance is slightly worse, but then I seem to compensate. I mean, it's not pretty when I stagger, but it's not totally bothersome either.
Over the last two months, I've had about 10 facial twitches where my right eye twitches and my mouth contorts to the right. Each episode only last 15-30 seconds, almost always in the morning. I've written my specialist doc a letter to see if this is to be expected, or something to be examined further.
So... that's my report. I am happy and feel lucky that my symptoms haven't been that bad, and I'd say overall I'm in the same condition as before the GK. Just hoping it's dying...!
Take care.