No sinus problems, but I do have a bit of a stiff neck. Hard to tell if it's from the AN or just psychosomatic. I've had the foggy head problem for quite some time now, since way before I was diagnosed- it's really hard for me to focus on the minutae of my work, and to stay focused and motivated. My head always feels like it's swimming a little bit. It's worse in the afternoons, it seems, and in crowded, busy places, like the grocery store on sundays, I always feel a bit light headed and loopy. Again, though, sometimes I can't decide if some of these symptoms just make more sense now, or if it's all in my head (figuratively, not literally). Like there have been times before I was diagnosed where i'd be walking around my office building and suddenly sway a bit or veer off to the right for no apparant reason. Yeah, it probably was because of the AN, but I'll never know. The ENT I met with yesterday said something interesting, don't know if it's true or not b/c none of the other doctors mentioned it, but he said, given the size of my AN, that there's just no way that my balance nerves on my left side aren't completely compromised at this point and that my right side has been compensating for quite a while. Maybe that's true. It could certainly explain all of the above symptoms.