No, I didn't shop last night, just dropped at the end...
My husband, however, spent the whole time I was power-schlepping in Williams-Sonoma, buying a mechanized rock salt mill to match the way cool gourmet pepper mill he'd picked up at a different location last week (you don't have to turn, twist, or crank it, you just turn it over and it grinds the peppercorns/rock salt into a fine, savory dust...) Something about my surgery seems to have created a craving in him for highly seasoned food, it seems...
OK, here (if I can figure out how to post them) are pictures of my incision. I feel especially stupid now, after checking out all the pics on JulieW's thread, because my incision really looks like a translab incision, but I distinctly remember having the following conversation in pre-op with Dr Martuza's chief resident:
Me: Can you remind me again what approach you'll be using?
Dr F: Retrosigmoid/suboccipital.
Me: So, even though you're sealing things up with belly fat, you're not doing the translab approach?
Dr F: (Nods head).
Maybe I misheard? Maybe his head was shaking horizontally vs nodding up and down and I was directionally challenged (or sedated?) at the time? Please tell me what this looks like (the first photo DH took of my incision Tuesday morning--day after the sutures came out--and the second I took myself this morning after my shower, blurry but still doesn't obscure the top of the incision as in photo #1).
I can't believe I've gone through this surgery a second time and am still confused about which approach was used. (I really am a proactive, well-informed patient, usually...