Hi Paul,
I can relate to so many people on this post about symptoms that come and go. I feel like I have "good" and "bad" hearing days which can be a trip on the mind. My hearing tests are usually all over the place, too. But there is one frequency that seems to steadily decline in my AN ear. But, I have had a frequency in one hearing test go from 25 one year, and then the next year it is a 5. Then the next year it might be a 15 and down to 0 the next. I don't think those sound booth hearing tests are always right on. And, do they always use the same words in the word recognition test? I've just about learned all of them over the years. Kind of like the letters on the eye exam. I am also sensitive to loud noises in the AN ear at times. When I watch TV, I notice I have to go up and down on volume because of sound flucuation. I have high pitch noises in my AN at times, but it doesn't last very long. I am in W & W since 2005 so I think I am hypersenstive to a lot of things most commonly associated with an AN when in fact they just might be something normal going on. I would be inclined to have another doctor give me an evaluation if I were you. I think it would be better to err on the side of safety with a MRI. Best to catch these things early, plus all of the guessing and wondering would just drive me mad. Best wishes for getting the answers you need to get peace of mind. And, get the meds for the MRI.