I also am a mom to an AN patient. Amanda was only 15 (three years ago) when she had her surgery. Her tumor was also large and took two surgeries to remove. She sadly lost her hearing in one ear as well...but we have awesome doctors at the University of WA Medical Center here in Seattle, so she was spared having facial problems. Her balance is nearly normal and she has been able to do some gymnastic moves and flips again much to our surprize. Her balance problems were our major tip off to problems.
We also don't talk about it a lot but it's always there...when we go to a noisy restaurant and have to think about where is the best spot for her to sit etc... forgetting and whispering to her in a movie. It's still heartbreaking at times, but I know... and she knows, it could have been worse.
What a trauma for a mother. How many times did I wish/pray it was happening to me... instead of my child?
But...it's now 3 years later. Amanda is 19 now and a student at the University of WA., doing really well. Pretty and smart! Let's both hope that in our kids lifetime there may be help for the hearing loss! (Amanda never used her ipod again after surgery).
She just had her three year MRI and there appears to be no growth. Now she has graduated to MRI's every two years rather than annually. Its a small milestone, and we are so grateful. So "Yay"...things are looking good.
(had to remove the private email address entry, as site rules note no private info is to be publically noted, but... as a recommendation, you can PM/email behind the scenes here to share private info...... thanks for understanding. Joef)