I feel a need to jump in here and offer an apology for not responding to your original post, which I did read, as I read almost every post as part of my assigned duties as a messageboard moderator.
Like our droll, inveterate poster,
Jan and a few others, I didn't immediately respond to your message because I had nothing to offer you. Now, sometimes that hasn't stopped me from posting anyway, but when it comes to more serious issues, such as the kind of nerve pain you're experiencing, I prefer not to post a reply unless I feel I can offer more than a greeting and some sympathy. I would guess that you would rather receive replies that have some real information instead of just pleasantries or, worse yet, information/advice based on ignorance.
I hope you'll realize that some AN related questions cannot always be easily answered long distance. Although we may have one or two physicians as members, no one that posts here is going to offer any actual 'medical' advice. Sometimes, doing a web search - as you did - is quicker and more productive when a specific medical question arises. That you contacted your doctor is the obvious reaction to this flare-up of facial nerve pain you're experiencing and I trust you'll receive a useful answer and eventually, relief.
By way of explanation, Larry, most of the folks on this forum (and all the forums) are either AN 'veterans' or are in the process of undergoing or choosing treatment. As you'll soon realize, they can be a valuable resource but they visit the forums on a voluntary basis and are not always immediately available. Unfortunately, on occasion, some posts do get overlooked. I try to check every new post but I miss a few...that's why we have multiple moderators. I'm pleased to see that
Steve was able to reply to you and you've received even more replies over the past few days (which is typical). I'm confident you'll find them helpful, as most people do.
We'll look forward to your update on this issue and whatever else you may have to contribute.