Some people may consider this a bizarre post, but has anyone noticed deep ridges or creases across the width of their thumbnail on the side of their body their tumor is on? My thumbnail on the left side (only the left side) developed deep creases beginning several years ago, a few years after my symptoms began.
There is a theory in natural-healing circles that the health of the body is reflected in the condition of the fingernails. For example, prominent "moons" are considered a sign of vigor; interestingly, these generally disappear with age. Some marks on fingernails are nothing more than mineral deposits. But deep ridges or creases are considered signs of stress in associated internal systems or organs. The thumbnail, if I remember correctly, is associated with the health of the endocrine system. The study of fingernails as indicators of health is unsubstantiated and admittedly on the fringe; so, even as an avid "student" of the natural-healing arts, I haven't paid much attention to fingernails. But I find it fascinating that all my fingernails except that on my thumb on my affected side are really smooth and pink, with prominent moons, yet my thumbnail on the affected side looks horrible -- like a rough, unpaved roadbed with a washboard pattern. The creases are most obvious when looking at a sideview of my thumb.
It would be fascinating to learn of other people having deep creases across the width of their thumbnail on the affected side. Anyone?