I'm finding myself, at 18 days post op, in some ways feeling more rather than less wiped out than even last week, and am trying to figure out how much of this is an asthma attack and how much is just normal post-op fatigue. Can those of you not too far out from your surgeries describe the arc of your fatigue (in terms of length of duration, way it showed up day to day, etc)?
I'm do know that I'm having an asthma flare-up (woke short of breath at 3 am last night despite ramping up my meds according to my official "asthma management plan" yesterday), but I also have a pretty embarrassing track record of difficulty identifying/responding to symptoms (I cracked a rib coughing 2 summers ago before even suspecting my asthma was anywhere in the vicinity...).
Biggest issues now are how winded I get just standing up, through huge chunks of the day. I had ramped up to walking a mile and a half or so twice a day and now even half a mile is feeling like a Herculean effort (not to mention getting started in the morning, or making it through a shower without seeing stars--thank goodness for the built-in bench!)
My healing is coming along so well otherwise that I'm wondering if what I'm feeling is normal for this point in time or not (no balance issues, just frequent dizziness/windedness when I stand). Am I just being unreasonably impatient?
I would call the allergist who manages my asthma, but I know the test she always begins with to assess me (spirometry?) requires an extremely forceful exhalation I wouldn't want to risk now (for fear of springing a CSF leak...)
Thanks for any perspective you can provide!