Hugs to both of you--Brenda and Dana,
Yes, I can tell that you relate. I have struggled many, many years with bipolar disorder, and it has been a heck of a journey. Meds that almost killed me, talk therapy until I was blue in the face, numerous consults, and of course the stigma that goes along with having a mental illness. As ironic as it might seem, I sometimes wished that a had a more obvious disorder that people could actually see. But, now they can see on scans that bipolar and depression are bioneurological disorders. But, it is a "silent" illness, and I am sure we could get more in depth here but not necessary. I have learned how to manage my bipolar disorder with the tools in my toolbox, and I have done quite well. Even when my dad died back in October, I was able to get through that without any major dips into depression (it is normal to get depressed when someone dies--whether you love them, or like in my case, the world is a better place with one less mean person in this world). I am sure the feelings I have about this AN are pretty "normal" in a real sense, but I also know that those of us who suffer from mental illnesses have to be careful because I think our emotions can sometimes be more intense. I have to be careful to make sure "little" things don't become "overwhelming" things. Right now my tiny AN feels HUGE, and I have the HUGE feelings go with it. Thanks to you who have stepped up to the plate to share such a personal issue. Having both things going on at the same time really stinks.
Take Care,