I was able to make it to the public pool so that my daughter could take my young son for a little swim. I sat in a lounge chair in a shaded area and watched the two of them. My daughter is 21 and my son is a little over 2. When I noticed my son crying in the water, seemingly annoyed by the temperature, I thought I'd take over. We were at that pool many weeks before my surgery on July 11th, and I didn't want him to leave thinking swimming was a bad experience. The water was actually pleasant; however, I couldn't last more than 5 minutes. The water swishing around was making me dizzier and I had to get out and get back to the lounge chair.
A few minutes later, my daughter gave me her IPod so that I could listen to music while they played. She showed me how to use it, and then the two of them ran off. It was at that point that I realized I had absolutely NO SOUND in my left (AN) ear (except for the constant sound of someone blowing up an inflatable raft in a frenzy = my tinnitus). Before the surgery, when listening through a telephone from my left ear, it sounded like someone was screaming from the bottom of a tin can - though the words were distorted and the sound was distant. Now, I didn't even hear that. I was caught off guard, as I didn't notice any 'drastic' changes in hearing since this surgery. I turned the volume up loud - just to be sure - and yelled for my daughter to come back. I needed some support and I needed it now. My daughter seemed to be taking FOREVER to get out of the water, and my panic was intensifying, so I started yelling "if I'm putting the loud sound piece in my right ear, shouldn't I still hear sound when it's in my left ear???!!" As I found myself needing to repeat this, I noticed my daughter quickening-up the pace to shut me up since I was embarrassing her for having a head-set challenged mother who flunked the IPod 101 course.
I hope that, after my complete recovery, I will be a good candidate for the BAHA implant.
Today mark's one week since my surgery. I seem more annoyed by the hot sun beaming down on me, and I find spinning ceiling fans quite bothersome. I drove a short distance today, just because I thought I could, and ended up side-swiping the curbs a few times. I realized driving will be a long term goal. To brighten things up and 'change' a few things around the house, I suggested reorganizing some things around the house - so my daughter helped.
I do believe that each day is really getting better. I believe that these 'specific little instances' that I am expieriencing may help others to become more familiar with what to expect if they choose this surgery.
God Bless You All.