I saw Dr. Megerian just a few months ago. Without discussing any other options, he quickly scheduled me for the Translabyrinth procedure. It sounded so great..."we'll just go right through the ear canal and pull it right out! It's 'easier' these days". After discussing his approach on this forum, the SUPPORT GROUP advised me that I would lose 100% of my hearing in the AN ear! When was Dr. Megerian going to advise me of this? When a sign-language interpreter would wake me up? Then, after more online research, I discovered that approach is one of the oldest techniques - technology has not advanced this type of procedure much - if it is, in fact, the Translab approach.
If that is what he immediately recommended for you, like he did me, please do the necessary research.
On another note - if your medical information needs to be delivered from their office to any other location - PICK IT UP YOURSELF AND DELIVER IT YOURSELF. Many of my records were sent from Dr. Megerian's office - only to be continually, yet casually, LOST. AND NEVER RECOVERED. I heard far too many 'but our secretary's rather new, so...' excuses there. When dealing with pertinent medical information, whether 'new' or 'not', each matter should be handled appropriately. Medical information should not be simply disregarded as 'human error'. It's not like the cook forgot to put the pickle on the big mac - this is MEDICAL INFORMATION. When I discussed these constant errors with the doctor, himself, he simply suggested he'd 'transfer' me 'back to the secretary so she can find you someone else'. The advice was WELL WORTH IT!!! I would highly suggest a visit with Dr. Peter Weber at the Cleveland Clinic...