Hi Wendy!
Glad to see you posting again, but I'm so sorry about your back pain. The hospital beds are really uncomfortable, but maybe that isn't the real cause.
I had alot of pain in my neck after the first surgery, and I think it was the position they held my head during the AN removal.
I hope you are feeling some better by now.......or soon will be.
I went back to the doctor and what I thought was stitches left in WAS a big scab. The doctor said I could put an antibiotic cream on it once a day, and within 4 days, it fell off!!!!!!
I was able to get my hair cut last Friday, so it looks much better......at least it is evened up in the front.
I STILL can't take a "real" shower yet......still have to keep that ear dry for another week.
I noticed someone posted about depression on here. I have a brochure from the doctor that said "it's normal to have down days and depression for awhile after this surgery". I have felt that way, too. My hubby golfs every Sat. and Sun., and that got to me this weekend. I don't feel like I can drive yet, so I had a long talk with him about feeling so alone. He still went golfing today, but at least he is still able to live his life. I don't want his life to stop.
I know it will get better. Just takes time.
I was glad to read all the other posts from everyone. I didn't realize that the incesions are different with the different kind of surgeries.
Thanks everyone, for answering me.