Hi to all,
I have been on this forum, off and on, for about a year. I was diagnosed with a AN in Feb. of 2007. I went to Darthmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, NH and was followed every month with MRI"s, Audio, Neurologist, and ENTl Recently after my MRI they decided that it was growing, and thought it's time to do surgery. I'm scheduled for August 6, 2008 at 6AM. I have SSD on the left side, balance problem.
I read a lot of your stories and suggestions. I feel that I am ready now with knowing all of the information. Thank you for doing this forum, I have been a silent partner, but am grateful that you're here for everyone.
I'm 64 years old, widowed, my two daughters live in NY and Arizona. They are both going to be with me the day of my surgery at DHMC in Lebanon, NH. My surgeon have done a lot of AN surgeries and also went to China last fall to teach the doctors there how to do this surgery.
Today was my pre-op. I live an hour from the medical center, so have to travel some.
I have a very bad back, almost no discs left from neck down, fibromyalsia, osteoarthritis etc......Have been through many therapies etc.....
I made sure that they will be cautious during surgery to take care of my back also.....I'm on a lot of medications as of now. Have been on WC for many years and now on SSD. also on Long Term Dissability. I have had a lot to deal with.
Well I hope I haven't bored you all with this, but thought it was time to introduce myself after a year. Marci, good luck tomorrow for your surgery, you're in my prayers.
Thank you to all of you who keeps giving us hope with dealing with our AN. I'll keep you posted!
Sue L/NH