Welcome! Isn't this forum wonderful?
You mentioned that you live alone--please have someone help you after your treatment. Whether someone stays with you or whether you go and stay with them, treatment for an Acoustic Neuroma is not something to go at alone. I was sent home from the hospital with a walker and have upgraded to a cane. At 5 wks post-op, I'm still not driving. So, you can guess, I still need help. It sounds like you have people who are willing to help. Take advantage of that and appoint them certain duties.
The week before my surgery, I gave my co-workers my sister's phone number. If they had concerns or questions about my condition, she was the one they could reach. This way they would know not only how the surgery went, but when I was released from the hospital and, very important, when I'd be ready for company.
I also gave many people the URL for this discussion forum. I told them where they could find updates on my condition. It turns out that many of my friends at work relied on this discussion forum to check on me.
Please keep us updated.