Hi all,
Just returned from a grueling trip to Boston (drove up and flew back) to drop my baby boy at his new apartment. Although I wasn't much help driving or moving, I WAS THERE! And that was a goal for me post-op, one I wasn't sure I'd achieve. I know my son appreciated me being there and besides, if it weren't for me, my husband and son would have killed each other. We went out to dinner twice and I only had minor mishaps (face is still numb), but other than spilling food and drink on myself I came through unscathed. I was horrified that I misread the driving directions and got us lost; I'm usually the navigator, but the boys were forgiving.
Tomorrow I begin half-days at work. I hope I can still do my job. I am bothered by the "lost word" syndrome but will try to improvise. At least I don't need a map to find my office. Stay tuned..
ps: after just 6 weeks my scar is virtually invisible. I used scar butter from Sephora and have been pretty good about massaging the scar...creepy as it may sound.