A BIG thanks to everyone for the well wishes and sharing in my excitement. Just knowing my nerve was still alive was a good sign for me. I still have a long way to go, but this was a big step in the right direction, both physically and mentally.
Hrussy...I am in Cincinnati, which is at the opposite end of the state from Cleveland, but only four hours away. I had my surgery at the University of Cincinnati, which has two great neurotologists and several wonderful neurosurgeons.
Carlita...my facial nerve was intact. The tumor had to be peeled off the nerve and I was told my facial nerve was very stretched out and flattened, resembling a nerve usually involving a much larger tumor. My tumor was *only* 2cm, but was pressing on my brainstem and in a location that made a hearing sparing approach too difficult. I had 100% hearing discrimination, but had a translab approach. I've never quite done things according to textbook.
Lori...I'm not sure the score of 15 was accurate. I think he slipped in a few brownie points along the way because I had absolutely no movement in my face when he did the testing. It is very frustrating when your mind wants to make your face work, but the connections won't allow it to happen.
Debbi...I have been following your story and successes. Keep doing what you're doing and remember...patience grasshopper.
My co-workers have noticed improvement in my face on a weekly basis. They don't see me from Wednesday evening until Monday morning, so they notice small changes even before I do.
I still don't do well drinking from a glass. A straw is my friend, but that's small potatoes in the scheme of things. Talking is still not symmetrical, mainly because of my lower lip, but I am adapting well to my Humphrey Bogart look. The Marty Feldman eye issue still exists, but I see the eye doctor next Friday.
David...My exercises are practicing very small, symmetrical facial movements as well as stretches and relieving the trigger points. I'm not sure synkenesis can always be prevented. It can be worsened by forcing muscles to work by overexaggerating the movements of other muscles (scrunching your face very tightly on the working side to try and make the non working side preform.) Hang in there buddy, you are an inspiration to us all.
Right now, it's the subtle changes I am celebrating. No wrinkles in my forehead on one side yet.
Debbie...secretly wishing for wrinkles

and impatiently practicing patience