Your logic is impeccable and of course, I agree. I don't know why people are so eager to blame cell phone usage for Acoustic Neuromas but I suppose these scientists have to have something to 'investigate' in order to keep the federal grant money flowing.
Acoustic Neuromas were discovered over 100 years ago (in cadavers used in medical schools) and were first operated on (unsuccessfully) shortly after the turn of the 20th century. This unassailable fact would seem to negate the hypotheses that environmental factors, mainly those that travel through the ear, are the source of the abnormality that we call 'Acoustic Neuromas'.
But no, I see this cell phone-AN 'link' all over the place, especially on the internet where facts are elusive and conjecture based on false assumptions is rampant in many areas. I'll bet that 100 years ago, the (then-new) telephone was being blamed for deafness.
I'm afraid that the 'cell phone causes ANs' theory will slouch on until the actual cause of Acoustic Neuromas is finally discovered....which, at my age, probably won't be in my lifetime. FWIW, I suspect genetics are the culprit, but of course, that is pure speculation. I'm certainly not a scientist or physician and, as always, I could be wrong.
Thanks for your sensible post. I trust your son is doing well.