Author Topic: Social Security Disability  (Read 35992 times)


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2006, 03:41:52 pm »
Before seeing a Attorney go ahead and keep the medical appointment that they have arranged.  It could go in your favor.  if you're denied after the appointment then by all means see an Attorney.
A member of our local support group was in a simliar situation, denied the first time, sent to a Phyciatrist and was approved.  In fact she called me before receiving notication because there was "alot more money in my account".

My husband's claim went thru very fast, approved first time, within 6 weeks. I did the paperwork without asistence.  In reading this thread we must be the exception.   But two years later he came up for review with the paperwork much like the first time around.  Since he wasn't under treatment we didnt have the comfort of doctor's assistence.  We had a mandatory appointment with a neurologist.  At the time I was quite negative about having to go to one more doctor, when we had a pretty full plate going at the time.  I truly resented it.  I have got to say that the appointment itself was one of the best evaluations that he has ever had.  Because of her report he has not come up for review again. 

I can't not state how importent it is to clearly give them a picture into your life.  Draw a simple figure and divide it into sections and list problems for each area,  This way you have a problem list and won't forget important things during the exam.   Remember it just isn't AN issues, but the sum of all issues. 

Wishing all of you the best

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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2006, 07:54:26 am »
    Guys, if anyone read my post on this thread I said ssi.  Stupid---------- I mean  SSD------A brain tumor thing.


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2006, 08:36:33 am »
Cakes you when you apply for ssd they automatically send your application in for ssi so made sense to me since i had just gotten my rejection letter for ssi  lol


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2006, 10:53:33 pm »
Hi guys, I'm back.  I had a short trip to be with my Dad and kids....  I had a great time except some headaches and little bit of dizziness.

Okay,  I just got a letter from SSD and I'm now required to go to  another doctor.  Neurologist.  First is Pyschiatrist now a Neurologist?  Is this means any good to me or another procedure of SS for me to get denied?  I'm okay.  It's just that now it's all in my mind....  wondering what's next?  =)

It's nice to be back.  PHyl thank you for waking me up!  ha ha ha...

I miss all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Last Edit: April 16, 2006, 10:55:10 pm by sunshine16 »


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #19 on: April 20, 2006, 07:40:36 pm »
Sunshine I just got my letter yesterday with social security telling me they don't  understand my problem and they want me to see a doc for a mental examination....should prove to be interesting.  Sounds like you might be one step ahead of me. 


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #20 on: April 20, 2006, 08:28:15 pm »
So SSD wants you to see a psychiatrist also?  I have an appointment w/ a Neurosurgeon next week and two weeks after that have to see the P.h.d .......  see what happens, battyprincess.  I'm still hoping to get the benefits on the first try..... 


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2006, 07:56:50 pm »
I'm not expecting to but figure it's worth the try.  Did you get turned down for medicaid?  I've got that hassle going on too.  I'd be more than happy to see anyone they want me to especially if any of them have any answers!


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #22 on: April 21, 2006, 08:25:40 pm »
I got turned down on SSI....  and so far that's it. 


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #23 on: April 22, 2006, 12:07:38 am »
I did too on the SSI based on the fact that I'm getting disability payments right now through work. At least that was the reason they gave me  lol


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2006, 07:50:39 am »
I think I posted this somewhere else, so excuse the redundancy.
It took me about 1.5 years to get approved for SS Disability. I got turned down the first try right away.  I went straight to an SS attorney that was recommended. It was worth it!  I got turned down on the appeal but before our hearing date for our second appeal, the arbritrator reviewed my case and approved it!  And to this day, that person has been one of the only people that has truly gotten it! Although there were some days when I could probably work some, I could NEVER keep a regular 40-hour schedule and that no reasonable employer would accept that...and that is what I got my SSD on.

I also saw a psychiatrist (at the suggestion of my attorney, not SSD) to proactively rule out any other causes.  I also sought out a second opinion from another neurosurgeon. 

And I agree with Raydean - get all the documentation you can and don't limit yourself to their little questionairre spaces. Be very specific about your problems - example - don't just say "I have headaches"...get into the details. I also kept a daily health log descirbing in detail my problems from day to day and rated each day.  I turned in 6 months of logs with my appeal.

Anyway - hope this helps some.  Brenda


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2006, 08:19:44 am »
Thanks for sharing Brenda!  There are days were work seems possible and days were it's totally impossible!  Good idea on the log! 


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #26 on: May 04, 2006, 11:02:11 pm »
I too had my AN surgery just over 2 years ago and things have seemed to be going down hill ever since.  I work (or should I sayd worked) in the banking industry, as a credit card customer service representative taking inbound phone calls from folks like you and others who have a credit card problem, and wait on hold for what seems like forever. 


I had been growing a tumor unaware a couple of years prior to when I was diagnosed with a AN in July 2002.  It caused me extreme dizziness, hearing loss, ear pressure fullness, facial numbness, and headaches.  I was working as an inside sales person using the phone daily with a manufacturing company at that time.  It was misdiagnosed that the symptoms I was having were from a residual ear infection from a previous bad cold I had earlier in the year.  Strangely, I was laid-off about 2 months later due to a downturn in that company's business, so I had to seek employment elsewhere(Go figure).  June 2002 I started work with the bank. 

I took a pay cut, but a job is a job.  July 2002, I was correctly diagnosed with a AN after going to a better and different doctor.  This was one month after starting my job at the bank.  I was told to wait & watch until they had to remove the tumor due to the type of job I had and the fact that good communication & hearing was a prerequisite for my job.  Since I had most of my hearing and just started my job, I agreed to his advice.  The Neurologist scheduled a followup MRI for August 2003. 

May 2003, I continued to have more balance/hearing/headache problems so,... back to the doctor.   He found the tumor to be growing much faster and larger than expected in less than 1 year.  Worried that it my not be a AN but a Malignant tumor, I wanted to go ahead with Micro surgery.  I researched all my options for the different ways to remove a tumor and felt this the best choice for me.  You may or may not agree but using the Gamma Knife approach and frying your good brain cells  surrounding the bad just didn't appeal to me as a final solution.   Moral of the story,....don't wait.  Your chances of losing your hearing only increases the longer you wait.

I was told things will get better as you recover and for the most part they haven't.  I don't have the headaches as much, and my balance and hearing initially were terrible before surgery, but have now plateaued and not "getting better".  I actually think my hearing is getting worse.  I am getting a hearing test in late May just to see.  I have trouble going down stairs, driving, walking, talking, thinking, heavy eyelid, and the worse part is my hearing.  Given the 80% chance I'd be deaf, I felt the 20% chance I wouldn't be was worth the risk.  After surgery, I initially lost 40% of my hearing.  I too am single-sided hearing now, but I do wear a hearing aid.  I tried doing the Customer Service without it.  That wasn't working.   I asked my employer for a double-sided headset.  That helped, but I still have problems hearing certain conversations and pitches with a lot of background noise.  I work in an open cubicle and the noise from co-workers is loud.  You credit card customers really get upset and yell when your representative has to ask you to repeat your name or address because they can't hear your tones of certain speech.  (Now you know why customer service is sometimes so bad)  Stress can make you depressed especially when you can't perform your job the way you did. 


I finally gave it up when I hurt my neck for the 2nd time in my life.  This was a double whammy.  First the Brain Tumor and now this!!  I was working at home on a chain-link fence repair when I ruptured my C6-C7 cervical disk.  I have 2 disks fused and after 7 months from that surgery, I'm still in physical therapy for that injury which has effected my nerves in the right hand, fingers, back, and shoulder.  I tried to return to my job for 2 months, but with the combined injuries, I couldn't handle the mean customers, nerve damage, balance issues, and hearing loss.  I am depressed and at one point, nearly suicidal.  So,...I'm now going to counseling for depression/anxiety.  I couldn't decide if I should try to continue to work again or file for SSD. 

I finally filed Social Security Disability.  To top it all off,  the bank has cut off my short-term disability insurance due to the fubar of paperwork not sent by my physicians on time or so they say.   I'm appealing that decision and should hear something in the next week or two, but after reading some of the threads here, it sounds like they are going to drag that out too.  OOh,...and they threatened to fire me since my FMLA ran out.  My attorney said let them try!!!  So far, they haven't terminated me, but I'm not getting any disability insurance pay either while in the appeal process.  For a percentage and fee, the attorney would help me collect that too.  I'm going to give them a few weeks.

My wife wanted to work 2 jobs.  She teaches Special Ed and in the summer works at a Major Department store.  If we didn't have her income, we'd be bankrupt.  My first denial of social security came in the mail about 2 weeks ago.  My attorney who specializes in SSA told me we wouldn't take your case unless we thought you'd win and not be alarmed by the denial.  I am 53 and I don't feel I am disabled in my mind but my body says I am.  So,...why doesn't Social Security???????  I am playing the waiting game right now and hoping my attorney can prevent this from going to an appeals judge.  I will let you know the outcome.....
AN 1st time, July 2003
7mm x 4mm x 5mm
Subocital/Retrosigmode microsurgery
St Anthony's Hospital, St Louis MO
Dr Faisel Albanna, MD Neurosurgeon

2nd regrowth 1cm x 5mm x 4mm, Oct 2006
3 FSR using Cyberknife
St Anthony's Hos. Oklahoma City
Dr Clinton Medbery, III MD Radiologist

3rd 1.8cm x 12mm


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #27 on: May 04, 2006, 11:17:19 pm »
Hi Just... I sent you a private email..hope you get it.
I say keep applying with ssd you should get it.  They just passed some new guidelines in March of this year which is suppose to make the process easier!


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #28 on: May 10, 2006, 06:56:52 am »
  I am on SSD now.  I can probably do a little work at a fast food restraunt or something like that, but is'nt SSD determined on what you were doing previsely?  I came from a factory for 26 years and i KNOW I can't do that again. 


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #29 on: May 10, 2006, 07:02:54 am »
no ssd is based on that you can do something full time!  it's based on what you were doing and if you can be trained for something else.  age is a factor when the make the determination.