Author Topic: Social Security Disability  (Read 35994 times)


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #45 on: May 26, 2006, 05:31:53 pm »
thank you for the respond Capt. Deb and Raydean.  I just feel very fortunate that I got it on the first try.  I know I can appeal it if I did get denied, but the way I am now and couldn't imagine the emotional and physical drain I would of experience if I would have to go through it.  

Now, I guess the next question is How this money would affect me and my husband when Uncle Sam knocks on my door once a year?  


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #46 on: May 26, 2006, 05:34:15 pm »
ssi is not taxable up to 25,000 in income.  I'm assuming it works the same way with ssd.  If you get payments for your children non of it is taxable.  If your spouse makes more than 25K then it's like 1 dollar for every two you make through ssi that is taxed.  I know there is a big formula.

I'm so jealous sunshine!  I get the hassle of the appeal process.  I feel so overwhelmed!


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #47 on: May 26, 2006, 05:45:52 pm »
Batty Princess,

I know and understand how frustrating it is for you.  Just remember that lots of ppl here went through the same thing and in the end they got it. 

Like I said on my email to you,  I think the Neurosurgeon(SSD) helps a lot w/ my case.  He was able to see how the AN affected me physically and mentally. 

I feel glad I got it, but deep inside my mind something is telling me I'm not a winner.  Because now I know I'm legit disabled.  For how long?  I'm supposed to be celebrating!  But knowing I might not be able to go back the old me, smile normally, act normally, walk normally, think normally..... **sigh** I don't know......  Oh no my pessimistic me is attacking again......

M, take care


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #48 on: May 26, 2006, 07:02:06 pm »
   Sunshine, I know what you mean.  I worked since I was 19-40 hours or more a week, and I'm greatful for SSD but there  is a sense of loss that comes with it. I felt I had to "be out there" in this busy world.  After a year or two, its more like,"its about time I get a break".  I'm used to it now.


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #49 on: June 11, 2006, 08:38:13 pm »
While all the information is helpful, I was looking for the bottom line which I felt is what Deb said.  If I can't get work because of my disability within the time until my unemployment runs out, that is what I think I should pursue but I will definitely find an attorney.  I don't have the strength to go through all the BS without someone who knows the ropes with/behind me.  I just don't feel like I can go that one alone.  I feel like I can work, but honestly, while I was working, like someone else mentioned earlier in the thread, every day is a struggle and it is annoying when a coworker complains about their hangover or stubbed toe or whatever it is, then blast the office radio so I can't concentrate or hear myself think let alone function with the phone which was part of my job.  I haven't documented much since my surgery but I think I'll get a composition book and start writing what I can remember or at least within a ball park and keep a better log from here on in.  Losing my job is scary but not being able to find something else when I really NEED the income to get by (and I don't mean live it up, we rarely, if ever, even go out to the movies or to a restaurant, it's just cheaper to do it at home) is even more scary.  I'm wondering if I should even spend the $ on gas to ride to the shore for a day to clear my head and also take my daughter along since her last day of school is Tuesday.  I guess something you HAVE to do to keep your sanity, at least that's how I'm trying to look at.  I've been reading alot of different threads on this site since I have a bit more time now that my oldest has graduated and for the most part is ready for college in the fall, and also because she went away for senior week and I can use her lap top whenever I want to LOL!  Anyway, my point was (I get distracted so easily) with everything I've read I feel like I am still a lucky person having gone through what I did and still be here to talk about it.  There are so many people out there on these boards who have so many wonderful words of encouragement and are going through same/similar things, it makes more sense when you read someone else's perspective.  I will get through this, we all will get through this with the love and support of others.  Thanks to everyone even though you may not know it, you have helped me in more ways than you think!  Hugs all around!!
3.5cm AN removed 1-21-04
CSF leak repaired 5/04
SSD Right

Captain Deb

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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #50 on: June 12, 2006, 12:57:28 pm »
OK guys, I just GOTTA VENT!!
I heard from my lawyer today and he said he FINALLY got my local hospital records after 14 Months and numerous requests.
14 MONTHS!!!!! >:( >:( >:(
They said they were "re-organizing" (the hospital, not the lawyers.)
On my last appeal, I trusted SS to procure those records for me and they probably didn't even have them then, who knows. That's when I got the lawyer and I wish I'd gotten him before I even applied the first time.  No wonder I got turned down twice.   I'm REALLY upset with the hospital, and Dr. Love is a little perturbed with the lawyers and says that if he had known that Watauga Medical Center was dragging their feet so much he would have gone down to the business office and raised holy hell till they forked 'em over.

The lawyer also said that normally it takes 14 to 20 months to get a hearing, but during a 6 month period prior to May, NO disability hearings had been scheduled by the court system whatsoever. NONE!!!   >:( I wonder how many folks had to go without their medication or food for their kids in that time?
He said the current administration has devastated the funding for disabled Americans in the past 6 years--so all you guys REMEMBER that when you go to the poles next time!
AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!! (not the pirate growl, the frustration one!)
Capt Deb
"You only have two choices, having fun or freaking out"-Jimmy Buffett
50-ish with a 1x.7x.8cm.AN
Mid-fossa HEI, Jan 03 Friedman & Hitselberger
Chronic post-op headaches
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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #51 on: June 12, 2006, 07:45:11 pm »
what took them so long?  Geesh I found out my doctor reported I was working 10 hours a day....i've been working 10  hours a week from home for months.  No wonder they thought I could work a normal shift  LOL


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #52 on: June 13, 2006, 04:08:03 pm »
Deb, That is flippin ridiculous.  Our healthcare/legal system stinks!  There is also NO equality.  I better stop here.  I don't think many people will want to hear what else I have to say and Zoey, my puppy, needs to pee!  Later
3.5cm AN removed 1-21-04
CSF leak repaired 5/04
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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #53 on: June 13, 2006, 08:31:45 pm »
I'm thinking you should take zoey to pee at social security  LOL :-*


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #54 on: June 13, 2006, 11:28:16 pm »
Hi to all,

A word of advice, ... don't forget to do your yearly MRI scan.  It has been 18 months since my last one.  Batty Princess, you may remember my comments on page two of this thread. 

I found out today, the results of my 4th MRI since my surgery.....and you guessed it,..... IT's BACK! :'( :'( :o >:( I have a regrowth AN in the same right inner auditory canal ear as I did from July of 2003.  Almost 3 years to the day, since my surgery....!  I thought I was in the clear until I started having more dizziness and headaches.  My hearing initially was saved and I had a loss of 40%.  I had filed for disability in Mar 06 and have been denied 1 time.  I have the copy of my newest MRI report and it shows I have a small regrowth AN tumor.  9.8mm x 5.3mm x 7mm which is less than 1 cm.  I think it was too small to be detected in last years MRI. 

Anyway, ... I'm still fighting the Government for my SSA and I don't know if the new regrowth will help me get it or not.  My attorney says it definitely will.  My employer wants me to fax the report to them to expedite my short-term disability and so that too may help me get my pay started again since they denied it for paperwork reasons.

I am shocked, angry, upset and scared again.  I don't want to do the surgery all over again and most likely when I do this time, my hearing will be totally lost due to the damage already done from tumor 1.  I can't go back to my previous surgeon from before, because he has retired doing AN surgeries.  He felt them to be too complicated I reason given to me.  I'm suppose to make another appointment with a Neuro-otologist or Neurosurgeon and I'm in the hunt for a good one again.  I don't guess I'll do the wait and see stuff; what's the point?  I will at least listen to what the Doc has to say. :-\

So, there you have it.... 1 person in 100,000 have a brain tumor.  Of those, 7% are AN's, and of the those 7%, only 5% may grow back. 

Now you know why I have the user id of "JUSTAFACTOFLIFE" in my case. 

If it's going to happen to someone, it seems it always happens to me. >:(
AN 1st time, July 2003
7mm x 4mm x 5mm
Subocital/Retrosigmode microsurgery
St Anthony's Hospital, St Louis MO
Dr Faisel Albanna, MD Neurosurgeon

2nd regrowth 1cm x 5mm x 4mm, Oct 2006
3 FSR using Cyberknife
St Anthony's Hos. Oklahoma City
Dr Clinton Medbery, III MD Radiologist

3rd 1.8cm x 12mm


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #55 on: June 14, 2006, 05:57:17 am »

oy.  What do I say by oy? :'(  I know things are brutally tough right now.. and nothing I say can truly help, but sending you hugs!  I am curious if you can have radiosurgery, like CK, for the regrowth? It is small and CK or any fractionated radio-surgery may help to zap that sucker while trying to maintain healthy tissue around the regrowth.  Is this an option for you? Did your dr note anything about it? Maybe an option so you don't have to go through surgery again, esp. with the size that it is?  Just a thought......

Please hang in there... we're here for you!
"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #56 on: June 14, 2006, 06:01:22 am »
Sorry to hear about the recurrance.  Hopefully things won't be as difficult for you this time.  I don't know what I'd do if that stupid thing came back again.  I'll be going for my 2 yr MRI as soon as I get pre-approval from my insurance company.  Apparently, it seems they feel that people go through the banging bs of the mri just for the fun of it because we all know how much fun that thing can be.  Haven't had so much fun since an alligator ate my little brother.  So, they have to decide whether the mri your doctor has ordered is necessary.  Flippin insurance decision makers aren't even doctors making these decisions.  In case you can't tell, I'm feeling kinda bitter this morning. 
I feel the same way as you Justa, soon as I get on my feet I get knocked on my arse!  Haven't had a recurrence, but I've found it's always something.  It seems as though you are more in the accepting stage right now, I'm still very angry about my layoff.  Ok, so I better not go on a rant.  Take care and let us know how you are doing.  May you find the strength to do what you have to do and keep your sanity while doing it!
3.5cm AN removed 1-21-04
CSF leak repaired 5/04
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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #57 on: June 14, 2006, 08:56:14 am »
ppearl, static,

I haven't had a chance yet to see the neuro---.  I have been giving the Gamma Knife some thought, but I'm not sure about it yet.  It appears that due to the small size of the regrowth, they caught it early enough that I have some thinking over time to decide what I'll do.

The 1st time surgery wasn't that bad and I did OK with the exception of a Diabetic reaction to the brain swelling prevention steriod called Decadron.  My concern is I don't want the room to start spinning again like last time.  I really got sick from that experience.   As for SSA, I already feel I can't do my job as it is and with the new regrowth, who knows what they (Feds) will do.  I have already gave my Attorney the heads-up and I am monitoring the actions taken by him.  Hopefully, ...he will convince the review of my case and it will go forward quickly.  You have to turn a negative into a positive and enjoy your life as best you can! 

I'm patient (soon to be one too), ...and I've made my mind up (what's left) this will take a few years.  It all depends on your actions and the reactions of the SSI, SSA folks.  I don't think I have the mental capacity anymore to fight for SSA alone.  I'll forget something. 
AN 1st time, July 2003
7mm x 4mm x 5mm
Subocital/Retrosigmode microsurgery
St Anthony's Hospital, St Louis MO
Dr Faisel Albanna, MD Neurosurgeon

2nd regrowth 1cm x 5mm x 4mm, Oct 2006
3 FSR using Cyberknife
St Anthony's Hos. Oklahoma City
Dr Clinton Medbery, III MD Radiologist

3rd 1.8cm x 12mm


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #58 on: June 14, 2006, 10:22:39 am »
Hey Just..I just read other post and just had an MRI yesterday for my 9 mos follow up.  My son asked if I overheard anyone gasp and say "would you look at that?"  My biggest fear is this sucker will come back or move to the other side and with everything else going on in my life I half expect it.  I'm the one always in the well less than 1% etc...of course it never happens that way if I buy  a lottery ticket: :o(  I finally got an attorney for my ssd as I just don't have it in me...I figure reaching through the glass and choking their employee is a bad bad idea  ;D  Hope everything works out for you!


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Re: Social Security Disability
« Reply #59 on: June 23, 2006, 07:16:49 pm »
OMG Batty, your son!  LOL  That was a good one!
3.5cm AN removed 1-21-04
CSF leak repaired 5/04
SSD Right