You can go to my blog (address at bottom) and go to the end of March and it starts telling all about the surgery. It is my understanding that Dr. Byrne is the one that came up with the T3. They had been doing something somewhat similiar, but not exactly, before that. When I went back a couple of weeks ago, they were at 27 surgeries then. I don't kinow what number I was...probably about 25 or so. As far as I know, he is the only one in the US doing it right now. I just can't say enough good stuff about him - he is SOOOOO nice! With the T3, you get very quick results, I had some movement before even a week was up - I had already had the 12/7 though - don't know if that helped. I don't think Nancy's came back quite as fast, but still not a year. He did say that I could have healing for up to that long...maybe that is what your Dr. was referring to? The 12/7 Graft does take closer to a year to see ANY results. How long ago did you have surgery?