Thanks for passing on Lynn's message about Sue. I've been wondering when we would hear something.
Sue, sorry about the hearing loss but I hope will will soon be feeling better in every other way. The first couple of days are the tougher ones, but once you get the head wrap off you will feel much better. I hope whatever facial issues you have resolve soon, Lynn didn't say what they are. If you have the magic AN scarf, and I hope you do, we'd love to see a picture when you are feeling up to it. Don't forget your idea about the notebook too, it was a great idea to chronicle your experience and pass it along to the next person. In the meantime, get lots of rest and buildi up your strength, be patient and kind to yourself. Above all, let yourself be pampered by your loved ones -- it does them as much good as it does you.
Wishing you all good things,