Cool thread!
I could spend hours (none of you are surprised, huh?) regaling you with tales of head trauma. Biking, falling, failing to duck, etc. - I've been blasted many times. Not sure if there's a connection there, but the stories are funny.
Figuring out the cause of tumors is tricky business. There are different causes for different tumors, but medicine doesn't know them all. (For example, there's a virus that seems to be the cause of cervical cancer - research is still being conducted, but confidence is high.) However, all tumors operate in basically the same way: they are cells that don't know when to stop dividing and growing. When you cut your skin, a scar forms - but it grows only enough to repair the wound site. Cells have a natural 'brake' that stops them from reproducing when they come in contact with surrounding, healthy cells. Tumor cells have, through some means, lost that ability - they keep reproducing, even into healthy surrounding tissue. One known cause of this is radiation damage to cellular DNA - but we've all been exposed to radiation at some level or another.
Basically, I think we could all find very common experiences we share, in addition to have AN. And it's fun to share the stories!
As for many of us who are teachers - some students are a pain in the neck, some in the butt, and others (apparently) in the head. Not to mention parents, administrators, and people who verbally admire what you do but still think you are nothing more than a glorified babysitter and should be pain accordingly. (Bitter party, party of one, your table is now available!)
Keep posting these stories!