Hello All,
I have been wanting to get on the forum and post since I got home Sunday from my retro at House/St. Vincent's on Wednesday, August 6th, but I have not yet refined the post-op skill of timing activities between nap attacks. (Though I knew to expect it thanks to the forum!)
I just want to say thank you to everyone for prayers, good thougths, and support! I also want to say thank you everyone who has ever written ANYTHING on this forum...the wealth of knowledge available by people sharing their research and experiences is amazing, and is what has led me to all the right decisions (and doctors) since my diagnosis in October 2007.
I went into surgery feeling so relaxed and confident in my choice, and with great relief at finally "handing over" this burden I'd been carrying to my trusted doctors. Someone asked as me as I was being moved from the pre-op waiting area up to the OR floor if I had been given any drugs to calm me down like valium. I hadn't, I just felt such a calm, serene sense of being at the right place at the right time. (Which I would not have felt had I done the surgery when I discovered the tumor!)
After a 4 1/2 hour retrosigmoid surgery to remove my approximately 2 cm tumor, I opened my eyes and immediately heard Dr. Stefan (the internist) tell me the tumor was out. I asked if I was already in ICU, which I was. Feeling my face move and not in any pain, I was actually elated at how good I felt. I found it hard to believe that the operation had already taken place (after all it seemed I had only closed my eyes for ten minutes), but I could see the clock on the wall and knew that it was over.
The anesthesiologist later told me that I had actually woken up a few minutes before my first recollection, and had been repeating, "Is it over? I can't believe it!" like a broken record.
Even through the first stretch of ICU, I remember thinking that the most bothersome thing was being uncomfortable because you are hooked up to so many gadgets, and INCREDIBLY thirsty! But thanks to those who'd been down this road, I knew soon there'd be ice chips on the way! Even though it seemed like an awfully long time before they arrived, I was aware that having them too soon causes severe nausea. And the only nausea I recall was about the same feeling as having a strong cup of coffee on an empty stomach, it wasn't bad at all. I wasn't dizzy and I could focus my eyes, and I was so thankful lying there that I had this mental "checklist" of items to go through and assess from all I learned on this forum.
I can honestly say that the only true surprises to this whole experience was that I did so well. And again, knowing all the possible reactions to surgery made me really appreciate how well I felt. When the physical therapist came by to walk me on Friday, he said I was fine and that I didn't need to see him again, just to keep walking with family members - I was surpised but very happily. I had learned from someone on the forum that doing balance exercises in the weeks prior to surgery had helped her - I did them right up until pre-op in my hospital gown. (And it was very liberating to feel that maybe for the first time in my life, I honestly did not care what anyone might think looking at me!)
Hearing wise, there is not much going on in the AN ear - I know that my hearing nerve was stretched fairly thin by the tumor, even though the nerve is intact. But maybe things will improve with time - and if not, I am so happy with my results that at the moment I really don't care. I know (thanks again forum members) of great experiences with BAHA and Transear if I need them.
So for the time being I'm eating, sleeping, and watching the Olympics...life could be a whole lot worse.
Thanks so much to David and Kathleen (six days after her translab!) for spending time with me the day before my surgery and your wonderful reassurances - I took them with me on Wednesday. Thanks also to Lainie and Jean for your great support. And of course, thanks to my wonderful and talented surgical team of Dr. Rick Friedman and Dr. Marc Schwartz.
Congratulations also to Sue L on her successful retro on the morning of 8/6!
This is a wonderful group, and I'll stay in touch.
All the best,
Nancy L