First, let me say my heart goes out to her, and to you as a mother. Gamma Knife and Cyber Knife and Proton Beam all have somewhat different technologies and pros and cons. It's confusing! With so many years ahead of her I would consider talking to someone about the less used, Proton Beam technique, which spreads the treatments over 6 weeks, instead of the usual "one shot" or so deal with GK. It excels with odd shaped tumors, and is supposedly more precise then GK and CK by a factor of 10. I had surgery, but if there is's who I would call:
(some of this info may be redundant with the ANA list, although not many have/ address Proton Beam).
Massachusetts General Hospital
Proton Beam Therapy Center
Dr. Chakaravti
617 726 8650**top rated facilities or doctors for stereotactic procedures (Cyber or Gamma or LINAC or Proton Beam, etc):
UPMC (University Of Pittsburgh Med Center)
Charlene Web
412 802 3100
412 647 7744
Dr. Dade Lundsford (sp?)
Dr. Ladislau Steiner---University of Virginia Health System
434 982-0096
Tammy Cuda--Stereotactic coordinator
Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center
Baltimore, MD
Loma Linda---supposed to be one of the best: Friedman
University of Gainesville, Florida
Memorial Hermann Hospital
713 704 3365
Virginian G. Piper Cancer Center
Scottsdale, AZ 85258