I am 3mo. post-op and just had an MRI to check on the remaining tumor. I'm a little dis-heartened. My first initial MRI when I was disagnosed showed my tumor to be approx. 1.6X1.6....at the time of surgery doc stated it was close to 2.0X2.0 or a bit more, so either I had some growth or it was initally measured incorrectly. I had translab on May 15th and everything has gone really well. The surgical team indicated they had to leave some behind because it was so embedded in my facial nerve. They indicated it was "very little" and a bit of gamma knife down the road would take care of it.
Well I had my MRI the other day to check up on the "remainder".....measuring 1.5X.5......I guess I'm just diappointed there still seems to be so much left behind after I went through major surgery like that. I love my docs, they did a wonderful job and I know it can't be helped that the little bugger embedded itself in my facial nerve....It just really upsets me that there seems to be that much left. I'm very thankful my outcome to date has been wonderful, it's just disappointing. I just want it all to be over and done with so I can move on and stop worrying and thinking about it. Some days it's as if the "thing" has consumed my entire life.
So now I meet with the Radiation Oncologist in September to discuss Gamma Knife. My question to Gamma Knifers....or anyone who can help with this question.....because the remainder is so embedded in my facial nerve, can/will the gamma knife give me some facial paralysis?
Also, another side note.....my incision is completely healed....however, it still itches like MAD.....anything i can put on it or do to help that???