Let me offer my greetings - and my regret that you've been diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma. However, I believe you'll you'll find these forums both informative and supportive, populated by folks who've been through the same journey (discovery, decisions, surgery/radiation and recovery). Although these tumors are almost never malignant and quite treatable, as you know, they are in a location that makes them problematic but not impossible to either remove or destroy, depending on the treatment approach (surgery or radiation). I'm sure our Texas-based members will be able to offer you the names of doctors and facilities in your general area that you may wish to pursue as you seek to find a course of action to address your AN.
As Brian ('Pooter') mentioned, some of us didn't have the luxury of mulling over a form of treatment and were pretty much rushed into surgery out of necessity (see my signature). In my case, surgery followed by radiation. Fortunately, I came out of both treatments
sans complications. Now, my AN is shrinking and undergoing necrosis (cell death) so my story has a happy ending.
As an AN patient who was once pretty much where you are now, I can understand your fears and misgivings. As a Christian, I urge you to do as you indicated you wanted to do and employ prayer to put this situation into God's hands. At the time of my surgery I probably had at least 50 to 100 people all over the country praying for me. It is very calming and encouraging. I highly recommend you alert your believing friends and family that you need their prayers at this time.
As a moderator, I feel compelled to add this disclaimer: I recommend prayer only because (a) you stated that you wanted to put this in
"His loving hands" indicating that you're a believer and, (b) my experience was so positive I feel compelled to tell other believers to pray and seek the prayers of others. I do not suggest prayer to non-believers and I only mention prayer if the poster has made their faith known via their own words.
The opinions expressed by this poster (Jim Scott) are not necessarily those of the ANA. End of disclaimer.
I won't suggest doctors, hospitals or form of treatment. Those are your decisions to make but along with many others, I will support you, advise you when asked and try to provide whatever information I may have to offer, when appropriate.
May you soon see even better days.