Hi Wendy, I'm glad the bleeding has stopped, and I think you are right to keep your surgeon informed. I hope I didn't come across as a know-it-all and I apologize if I did. My neurosurgeon told me to be on the lookout for a CSF leak and when I asked him how I would know, he said Phil (my husband) would know because a watery fluid would be leaking from my incision site. About the ten-day mark I woke up and touched the back of my head, and felt a watery fluid. It was mostly clear, with what looked like little blood clots in it (orangey-red). I e-mailed my neurosurgeon right away, but also went in to see my family doctor because I was due to have the sutures removed anyway. She put my mind at ease, but decided to leave the stitches in for a few extra days. So I e-mailed Dr. Casey again and told him it was a false alarm. Of course if he had told me about serous fluid to begin with, I would not have been so alarmed but, oh well.