Hi there, Mimoore. I'll save you writing me privately by commenting publicly. We do not yet have a support partner in Canada, but we hope to remedy that in 2009. Because bone conduction hearing aids are classified as Class II devices, we need a distributor who can market the product, provide support to hearing healthcare professionals, and handle regulatory issues with your government. We have found such a partner in the UK, and I will be conducting training there in late October. Hopefully we will have similar success in Canada by the end of the first quarter of 2009, but there are no guarantees, of course.
We are as anxious as you are and are flattered by your (and jazzfunkanne's) interest. I don't want to be unprofessional by recommending against CROS hearing aids, but statistically they have very poor retention rates and a high percentage are returned for credit. (My opinion does not apply to BICROS aids, however.)
I can promise we will work diligently to get north of our border as soon as is practical. In the meantime, if you live close to the border we can help you find a U.S. provider for TransEar.
Rick Gilbert
VP & GM of Ear Technology/TransEar