I was going to keep my nose out of things, but here I am, and opinionated - of course. I respectfully disagree with those that state "maybe you shouldn't watch and wait." It may be true that watching and waiting might not be for you, but I would encourage you to try a little harder. Many of the people responding did not have the option as the size was to large to wait, and I'm in that catagory, but surgery and/or FSR might still leave uncertainty, so it is imparative (where is the spell Checker?) that you develop the coping mechanisms spoke of earlier. I strongly recommend the book "The Places That Scare You - a Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times" by Pema Chodron, prayer, this forum, etc. to turn to to help you get through. I do agree strongly with the recommendation someone else gave that said to get a second and maybe even a third opinion. One thing I find curious, and I don't want to get your hopes up here - so pass by your Dr(s), but rarely (like 4%) these tumors spontaneously die! They theorize that the cause might be blood supply getting cut off: you already mentioned your Dr. putting this forward as a possibility. This is one of the goals to debulking and other treatments: to cut the blood supply. You won't know if this is a possibilty unless you watch & wait, hence risk getting treatment redundantly. Forgive me if I am out of bounds here, but I think you can do this. I don't mean to diminish the anguish waiting might cause, and whatever you decide, we'll be here for you.