Hi Karen-
I'm jumping on a little late, but did want to comment on the facial issues and depression. As Nancy said, you may be able to find an anti depressant that would work without upping the seizure risk. Barring that, don't underestimate sunlight and exercise. I have had some boughts with depression and find that both of these things help. It can be very tempting to stay inside and isolate yourself, but try to break that cycle if you find yourself doing that.
Those of us who have facial issues have some definite hurdles to pass. In the early days, I literally forced myself to go someplace once a day just so that I could prove to myself that people weren't going to run screaming at the sight of my face
. There were times when this was SO difficult because I felt so self-conscious about how I looked. But, each time I went out in public it got a little easier. Spending time with friends can also be a big help.
I guess that the biggest thing to remember when you are fighting feelings of depression is that you can't allow yourself to give into it - oh, that doesn't mean you can't have an occasional pity party, but you can't let it take over. Find something to smile about each and every day.
I hope this doesn't sound preachy, because I certainly don't intend it that way. I just know how hard it is to cope when you are feeling depressed. Hopefully you'll find some tools that will help you get through this period.
hugs to you,