Ok, you need to create a webpage on Photobucket or Frappr or such (they are free). Once your pic is uploaded on the site, hold your mouse over the image/picture, the right click your mouse. A pop-up window will show and scroll down to "Properties". When the Properties window open, go to the field for the URL address. Highlight the entire line, then right click to "copy"
Once you load there, you begin a "reply" or "new thread" somewhere here (I would recommend "PreTreatment")
Once you begin your post in the thread, there is an "icon" for "Insert Image". Click on it. In the post, you will see brackets with "img" and "/img". In between both sets of brackets, insert (do a "Paste" option) the link to where you posted the picture (ie; Photobucket, etc).
Please remember we are not trained professionals/radiologists/physicians (ok, where is Sam Rush?) to read the films and for us to make a guess at it... well, your dr is truly the best one to read it and interpret for you... as we don't want to cause you undue stress if someone is interpretting it other than what your doc tells you... please keep this in mind...
Hope this helps.