Glad to have you aboard the AN journey ship however I sorry for the reason you have had to join us. W & W is actually a good position to be in. (Mine was discovered at 4cm, vs. your 1.4 cm- so I did not have that many options- or time to prep myself.) Remember that typically AN tumors are slow growing.
I would recommend that from here you take really good care of you. Get yourself on a good healthy diet, if you are not on one already, get plenty of good exercise and reduce as many stress factors, in your life, as possible. My experience is that people who have taken care of themselves and are in good physical shape
before any treatment seem to bounce back the quickest – in recovery. Because you are in W & W mode- having yourself in the healthy and fit category will put you in the head start category.
I went to one ANA meeting and there was a woman there whose tumor had done nothing, in growth, in the 7 years she has been in W & W. She appeared fit and out there enjoying life.
Take the time to connect with people @ support group meetings.
Here is a list of groups that meet there in Ontario and who to contact. way you can find out who the medical practioners worth seeking
are, and who is
not , - based on
patient testimonies.
Keep moving forward and know there are many supportive people, here on the forum too, that are here for you.