Hi Cindy,
I hope you're starting to feel some of the relief that comes with making a decision! With the Nov. 7th date, you've got plenty of time to ease into your decision. For me that waiting period was a good thing - it gave me the opportunity to talk to many others who had been treated by the same team and filled me with even more confidence that I had made the right choice. (And at 3 1/2 weeks post-op, I know I did.)
I had a wonderful experience with Dr. Friedman, Dr. Schwartz (neurosurgeon), Dr. Stefan (internist) and the entire hospital staff at St. Vincent's, where the sixth floor is pretty much devoted to House acoustic neuroma patients. In the month or so before my surgery, Dr. Friedman always responded to my many questions by phone or email within 24 hours, as did Dr. Schwartz, as well.
Kathleen5306 also had a translab with Dr. Friedman a week before me, so you might also want to talk to her if you haven't already. And feel free to PM me any time.
And I agree with JerseyGirl2 that you should come out a little early to enjoy the sights and celebrate your hubby's b-day.
Congrats on having the stressful decision-making phase behind you,
Nancy L