Hi all,
I just thought I'd share my latest post- AN experience with you. Since this past Wednesday my fat graft has been leaking from my incision. I will spare you most of the gorey details as it is kind of disgusting but wanted to share the experience since if it happened to me it can happen to anyone else. When I got up on Wednesday I noticed my incision was leaking more than usual and decided to take a closer look and saw this new surprise was some clear yellow gelatinous stuf. leaking out. I contacted my doctor who confirmed, based on my desription, it was fat from the fat graft. He further explained that sometimes the fat graft liqufies and leaks out for a while. If this happens to anyone else, unless there is some reason to suspect an infection, there is no cause for alarm but it needs to be watched for just in case purposes. Of course, as with anything of this nature, it should be reported to your doctor -- I just wanted to share this so that if it happens to you, you will not freak out.
Wendy - Still a reluctant member of the Icky Head Club